Resistor Color Code Calculator 4, 5 and 6 Band - Color Code Table!

Select the number of bands on your resistor by clicking on the Tab below.

Select the corresponding color of the resistor by clicking on the value box.

Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
MSV LSV Multiplier Tolerance

The Resistor Value is:  1,000 Ω ± 5%
Or 1K Ω ± 5%

This online Resistor Code Calculator is free software to easily calculate resistance of resistors from colors.

Resistor Reference Table for 4 Bands

Color Cor Faixa 1 Faixa 2 Multiplicador Tolerância
Black Preto 0 0 x 1Ω
Brown Marrom 1 1 x 10Ω
Red Vermelho 2 2 x 100Ω
Orange Laranja 3 3 x 1KΩ
Yellow Amarelo 4 4 x 10KΩ
Green Verde 5 5 x 100KΩ
Blue Azul 6 6 x 1MΩ
Violet Violeta 7 7 x 10MΩ
Grey Cinza 8 8 x 100MΩ
White Branco 9 9 x 1GΩ
Gold Ouro ±5%
Silver Prata ±10%

Select the corresponding color of the resistor by clicking on the value box.

Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5
MSV LSV LSN Multiplier Tolerance

The Resistor Value is:  1,000 Ω ± 1%
Or: 1K Ω ± 1%

his online Resistor Code Calculator is free software to easily calculate resistance of resistors from colors.

Resistor Reference Table for 5 Bands

Color Cor 1° Faixa 2° Faixa 3° Faixa Multiplicador Tolerância
Black Preto 0 0 0 x 1Ω
Brown Marrom 1 1 1 x 10Ω ± 1%
Red Vermelho 2 2 2 x 100Ω ± 2%
Orange Laranja 3 3 3 x 1KΩ
Yellow Amarelo 4 4 4 x 10KΩ
Green Verde 5 5 5 100KΩ ± 0.5%
Blue Azul 6 6 6 x 1MΩ ± 0.25%
Violet Violeta 7 7 7 x 10MΩ ± 0.1%
Gray Cinza 8 8 8 x 100MΩ ± 0.05%
White Branco 9 9 9 x 1GΩ
Gold Ouro ± 5%
Silver Prata ± 10%


The Calculator Module for 6 Bands is still under construction, please try again later, or send us a message!

Resistor Reference Table for 6 Bands

Color Cor 1° Faixa 2° Faixa 3° Faixa Multiplicador Tolerância Coeficiente Temp
Black Preto 0 0 0 x 1Ω 250 ppm/K
Brown Marrom 1 1 1 x 10Ω ± 1% 100 ppm/K
Red Vermelho 2 2 2 x 100Ω ± 2% 50 ppm/K
Orange Laranja 3 3 3 x 1KΩ 15 ppm/K
Yellow Amarelo 4 4 4 x 10KΩ 25 ppm/K
Green Verde 5 5 5 100KΩ ± 0.5% 20 ppm/K
Blue Azul 6 6 6 x 1MΩ ± 0.25% 10 ppm/K
Violet Violeta 7 7 7 x 10MΩ ± 0.1% 5 ppm/K
Gray Cinza 8 8 8 x 100MΩ ± 0.05% 1 ppm/K
White Branco 9 9 9 x 1GΩ
Gold Ouro ± 5%
Silver Prata ± 10%

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