Friday, February 19, 2021

200W RMS Stereo Power Amplifier using STK4231II IC + PCB

Fig. 1 - PCB 200W RMS Stereo Power Amplifier IC STK4231II

This audio amplifier circuit is a HI-FI two-channel 100w OCL High Power Stereo Audio Amplifier based on the STK4231II IC.

STK4231 is a Thick film hybrid IC two-channel  100W min AF Power Amp, manufactured by SANYO ELECTRIC CO. LTD JAPAN. The STK4221II IC is a dual high power amplifier chip, preferably suited for compact high power audio applications, it provides 2 channel high power best quality audio output of 100W RMS at both channel at 8Ω speaker.

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The STK4201II series are pin-compatible in the range output of 60W to 100W, are 22 pin SIP (Single Inline Package) IC with a special case designing for operation at more heat dissipation to generally reduce external heat sink. 

But use a heat sink for protection. This IC is generally used in the home microsystem, car audio. The real IC image is shown below in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 - Pinout of IC STK4231II

Figure 3 below, show the schematic circuit diagram 100W + 100W RMS Stereo Power Audio Amplifier to be followed, with the arrangement of the components and their configurations.

Fig. 3 - Schematic 200W Stereo power amplifier IC STK4231II

Components List

  • U1................................. STK4231II – Audio Amplifier Integrated Circuit
  • R1, R2, R8 ................... 1K ohms - 1/8 W – brown, black, red
  • R3, R4, R12, R16 ........ 56K ohms - 1/8 W – green, blue, orange
  • R5, R6 .......................... 1K ohms - 1W – brown, black, red
  • R7 ................................. 100 ohms - 1/8 W – brown, brown, black
  • R9, R14 ........................ 4.7K ohms - 1/8 W – yellow, violet, red
  • R10, R18 ...................... 4.7K ohms - 1W – yellow, violet, red
  • R11, R15 ...................... 0.22 ohms - 5W – red, red, silver, gold , black
  • R13, R17 ...................... 560 ohms - 1/8 W – green, blue, brown
  • R19, R20, R21, R22 ..... 4.7 ohms - 18W – yellow, violet, gold
  • R10 ............................... 4.7K ohms - 1W – yellow, violet, red
  • C1, C2 .............................. 470pF – Polyester or Ceramic Capacitor
  • C3, C4 .............................. 2.2uF – Electrolytic Capacitor
  • C5, C6, C7, C8, 9, C10 .... 10uF - 63V – Electrolytic Capacitor
  • C11, C12 .......................... 47 uF - 63V – Electrolytic Capacitor
  • C13, C14 ......................... 100 nF – Polyester or Ceramic Capacitor
  • L1, L2 .............................. 3uH inductor
  • J1, J2 ................................ Kre Block Terminal Terminal 3-Way Triple Connector
  • J1, J2 ................................ Kre Block Terminal Terminal 2-Way Double Connector
  • Others .............................. Printed Circuit Board, tin, wire, etc.

Specified Transformer Power Supply

The power transformer must have a Dual Supply Capacity and  5 Amperes minimal current, this circuit is powered by a constant-voltage Dual Power Supply (+50V, 0V, -50V) CC,  for the correct operation. 

The power supply is the same as the one in Figure 4, available on the FVML website which is our partner, the difference is that the transformer is 35V AC, which after filtering will be approximately 50V DC.

Clicking in image below, you will be directed to the FVML website, which even has the calculations to understand it better and the printed circuit board files with GERBER files to download.
Fig. 4 Schematic Power Supply, click to download free the Gerber files

We are offering to download the link with the printed circuit board printing files, they are; Gerber, PDF layout, PNG, all the files with a direct link to Mega.

Direct link to download

Click in the link below to download the Files: PCB Layout, PDF, GERBER

If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections, please leave them in the comments and we will answer them soon.

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  1. the link with all the files are missing!!! Can you send me to me??? [email protected]

    1. Hello @MARTIN LUCERO
      The link has now been repaired.
      It may already be downloading the files.
