Friday, May 21, 2021

200W RMS Power Amplifier using 2SC2500 AND 2SA1943 transistors + PCB

Fig. 1 - 200W RMS Power Amplifier using 2SC2500 AND 2SA1943 transistors

This Power Amplifier have a moderate sound quality, and it's a simple circuit to assemble, using 4 complementary output transistors, 2 x NPN 2SC2500 and 2 x PNP 2SA1943

This amplifier is quite common to find and it has a good sound quality, uses specific power transistors for audio, making these amplifiers a good circuit amplifier to building.

This is a power amplifier, posted by our partner, we are authorized to replicate any post, so we took these posts from them and implemented the volume control and changed the layout a little. This partnership allows us to do this, and they are also free to repost our posts.

The circuit is supplied with a symmetrical power supply and can be supplied with a voltage between 30V to 65V, for greater performance you must use the 60V, with at least current 4 Amperes.

The schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2 below, it is a simple amplifier, and often found on the internet for sale, it has a good quality and complies with the promised power.
Fig. 2 - 200W RMS Power Amplifier with 2SC2500 and 2SA1943

Power supply

The power supply for this circuit amplifier is symmetrical, in our tests a Transformer with a 42V - 0 - 42V center-tape was used, with a 5 Amperes current, you can use a lower current, up to 4 Amps minimum, which will play perfectly.

Nothing prevents you from using a lower voltage, as this amplifier has a tolerance regarding its supply voltage, and can normally play "with loss in output power" with voltages ranging from 24V to 60V without too many problems.

Components List

  • Q1, Q2, Q3 .................. A1015 - PNP transistor 
  • Q5, Q6 ......................... TIP41C - NPN transistor
  • Q4, Q7 ......................... TIP42C- PNP transistor
  • Q8, Q10 ....................... 2SC5200 - NPN power transistor 
  • Q9, Q11 ....................... 2SA1943 - PNP power transistor 
  • D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 .... 1N4007 - Diode 
  • P1 ................................ 47K - Potentiometer 
  • C1 ............................... 2.2uF - 25V - Electrolytic capacitor 
  • C2 ............................... 47uF - 63V - Electrolytic capacitor 
  • C3 ............................... 330pF - Ceramic / polyester capacitor 
  • C4 ............................... 100nF ceramic / polyester capacitor
  • R1 ............................... 10K ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (brown, black, orange)
  • R2 ............................... 18k ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (brown, gray, orange)
  • R3 ............................... 820 ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (gray, red, brown)
  • R4 ............................... 270 ohms - 1W - Resistor  - (red, violet, brown)
  • R5 ............................... 1K ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (brown, black, red)
  • R6 ............................... 18K ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (brown, gray, orange)
  • R7 ............................... 330 ohms - 1 / 4W - Resistor  - (orange, orange, brown)
  • R8 ............................... 56 ohms - 1W - Resistor  - (green, blue, black)
  • R9 ............................... 27 ohms - 1W - Resistor  - (red, violet, black)
  • R10, R11 .................... 6R8 ohms - 1W - Resistor - (blue, gray, gold)
  • R12, R13 .................... 100 ohms - 1W - Resistor  - (brown, black, brown)
  • R14, R15, R16, R17 ... 033 ohms - 5W - Resistor  - (orange, orange, gold)
  • R18, R19 .................... 10 ohm resistor - 1W - (brown, black, black)
  • B1, B2 ........................ WJ2EDGVC-5.08-2P Connector
  • B3 ............................... WJ2EDGVC-5.08-3P connector
  • L1 ............................... Coil - 5uH Air Core
  • Others ......................... Printed Circuit Board, Wires, Solders and Etc.

We are offering the PCB - Printed Circuit Board, in GERBER, PDF and PNG files, for you who want to do the most optimized assembly, either at home.

If you prefer in a company that develops the board, you can is downloading and make the files in the Download option below.

Files to download, Direct Link:

Click on the link beside: GERBER, PDF and PNG files

If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections, please leave them in the comments and we will answer them soon.

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My Best Regards!!!


  1. This amplifier works so good,I love it

    1. Hi!
      Yea! It works perfectly, I've been using it on my stereo for a long time, I've never had any problems.
      Thanks for your comment!
